The shahada   (, "to witness" or "to testify"), or Kalimat ash-Shahādah ( is an Islamic creed which declares belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. The declaration in its shortest form reads:

There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)

"I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshipped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is his slave and messenger"

Shahadah (testimony of faith) in Arabic

Shahadah (testimony of faith) in English

Shahadah (testimony of faith) word by word translation

lailahaillallah muhammadarrasulullah in english


Meaning of La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah

"I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad is Messenger of ALLAH."

In the name of Allah, We honor Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall lost, none can guide them right. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person,  no grave, no prophet,  no imam,  nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.

In Islam, what we must determine at all times, if we indeed wish to be guided aright, is what is the command of Allah Subhanah, and what did the Prophet (saws) do to fulfill this command.  In Islam, the condition to the Right Path is to follow whatever is the command of Allah and His Messenger (saws).

La ilaha illallah,

Allah is one and can’t be three, The truth is simple as can be. His the source of everything, And doesn’t need a single thing, He wasn’t born and will not die, And that is surely not a lie.

Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah, The final Prophet of Allah, Peace and blessings on him too, Who came to show us what to do. Allah chose him for mankind, No one greater will we find, And his Sunnah is our guide, By his ways we should abide. Those who believe in Allah now, Must accept this simple vow,

The belief in Allah alone is not sufficient without the declaration of the Prophet saws as the Messenger of Allah for one who wants to profess Islam as his deen. To be counted as a Muslim one is strictly required to believe with conviction that there is no god except Allah swt and that the Prophet Mohamed saws is His Messenger.

 Ash-hado anna laa ilaaha illalaah, wa ash-hado anna Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah.

"‘I bear witness that there is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of Allah."

Belief in the Absolute Oneness and Uniqueness of the Lord Creator, Allah pak.

Belief in the concept of the Hereafter: Day of Judgment, Paradise, and Hell Fire.

Declare the Oneness of Allah,


Audio/ <<< Audio                             000-Purane Akabir/<<< Purane Akabir  

A l l a h : The one and only God, creator and sustainer of the universe.

A l l a h : The one and only God, creator and sustainer of the universe.

Meaning of La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai, nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.

May Allah Subhanah reward you with the best of this world and the Hereafter for your kind comments of encouragement for our humble efforts in the propagation of the Truth. We humbly hope, beg, and pray the Merciful Lord accepts our humble and weak efforts, forgives us our shortcomings, and saves you, us, and all the believers from the torment of the Hell Fire. Ameen.

Ref: Laa ilaaha illalaah, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah

(Translation: There is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of Allah.)

In Islam, what we must determine at all times, if we indeed wish to be guided aright, is what is the command of Allah Subhanah, and what did the Prophet (saws) do to fulfill this command.  In Islam, the condition to the Right Path is to follow whatever is the command of Allah and His Messenger (saws).

The kalima or testification that the Messenger of Allah (saws), invited all mankind to was Laa ilaaha illalaah, Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah I bear witness that there is no god, but Allah; and I bear witness that Mohamed is the Messenger of Allah.  This is what he asked the people who wanted to embrace Islam to recite, and this is what he himself and his noble companions recited.

Brother whenever one requires to say the Kalima e Shahada you must pronounce it in full eg: La ilaha illallah, Mohamedar Rasul Allah.

Many Muslims do say only La ilaha illallah only when they want to stress something to support their dialogue or conversation to create an effect, but it is not their intention to recite the kalima e Shahada.

The short version by itself is not enough if one wants to profess his loyalty and dedication to Islam. The belief in Allah alone is not sufficient without the declaration of the Prophet saws as the Messenger of Allah for one who wants to profess Islam as his deen. To be counted as a Muslim one is strictly required to believe with conviction that there is no god except Allah swt and that the Prophet Mohamed saws is His Messenger.

To give shahaadah or testify to the Truth of Allah and His Messenger (saws), and a statement which is considered the very testimony and a declaration of faith in the deen of Islam is:

Ash-hado anna laa ilaaha illalaah, wa ash-hado anna Mohamed ar-Rasool Allah.

(Translation: I bear witness that there is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of Allah.)

When one makes or declares the above statement or profession of faith and bears witness that there is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of enters into a solemn covenant with the Lord Creator encompassing the six fundamentals or essentials of belief:

  1. Belief in the Absolute Oneness and Uniqueness of the Lord Creator, Allah Subhanah.
  2. Belief in the appointment of all the Prophets of Allah, culminating in the belief that Prophet Mohamed (saws) is the Last and Final Messenger of Allah and the seal of the office of Prophethood.
  3. Belief in all the previous Revelations of Allah Subahnah, culminating in the belief that the Glorious Quran is the Last and Final Revelation of the Lord Most High.
  4. Belief in all the Angels of Allah Subhanah.
  5. Belief in the concept of the Hereafter: Day of Judgment, Paradise, and Hell Fire.
  6. Belief in the concept of Qadr or the Divine Decrees of the Lord Who Created.

Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is only ones. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.

Your brother and well wisher in Islam,


Think about reality

إِنَّ إِلَهَكُمْ لَوَاحِدٌ

Truly, your god is truly



What Do Muslims Believe about Jesus?

Muslims respect and revere Jesus (peace be upon him).  They consider him one of the greatest of God’s messengers to mankind.  The Quran confirms his virgin birth, and a chapter of the Quran is entitled ‘Maryam’ (Mary).  The Quran describes the birth of Jesus as follows:

 (Remember) when the angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him (God), whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, revered in this world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (to God).  He will speak to the people from his cradle and as a man, and he is of the righteous.” She said, “My Lord, how can I have a child when no mortal has touched me?” He said, “So (it will be).  God creates what He wills.  If He decrees a thing, He says to it only, ‘Be!’ and it is.”  (Quran, 3:45-47)

Jesus was born miraculously by the command of God, the same command that had brought Adam into being with neither a father nor a mother.  God has said:

 The case of Jesus with God is like the case of Adam.  He created him from dust, and then He said to him, “Be!” and he came into being.  (Quran, 3:59)

During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles.  God tells us that Jesus said:

 “I have come to you with a sign from your Lord.  I make for you the shape of a bird out of clay, I breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God’s permission.  I heal the blind from birth and the leper.  And I bring the dead to life by God’s permission.  And I tell you what you eat and what you store in your houses….”  (Quran, 3:49)

Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified.  It was the plan of Jesus’ enemies to crucify him, but God saved him and raised him up to Him.  And the likeness of Jesus was put over another man.  Jesus’ enemies took this man and crucified him, thinking that he was Jesus.  God has said:

 …They said, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.” They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)…  (Quran, 4:157)

Neither Muhammad  nor Jesus came to change the basic doctrine of the belief in one God, brought by earlier prophets, but rather to confirm and renew it.1


(1) Muslims also believe that God revealed a holy book to Jesus called the Injeel, some parts of which may be still available in the teachings of God to Jesus in the New Testament.  But this does not mean that Muslims believe in the Bible we have today because it is not the original scriptures that were revealed by God.  They underwent alterations, additions, and omissions.  This was also said by the Committee charged with revisingThe Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version).  This Committee consisted of thirty-two scholars who served as members of the Committee.  They secured the review and counsel of an Advisory Board of fifty representatives of the co-operating denominations.  The Committee said in the Preface to The Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), p. iv, “Sometimes it is evident that the text has suffered in transmission, but none of the versions provides a satisfactory restoration.  Here we can only follow the best judgment of competent scholars as to the most probable reconstruction of the original text.” The Committee also said in the Preface, p. vii, “Notes are added which indicate significant variations, additions, or omissions in the ancient authorities (Mt 9.34; Mk 3.16; 7.4; Lk 24.32, 51, etc.).”
For more in-depth articles regarding this subject, please visit the following external web pages: Confessions of the New American Bible and Bible ContradictionsBack from footnote (1)




The word(s) “jesus” appears 25 time(s) in 25 verse(s) in Quran in Muhammad Pickthal translation.
(1) And verily We gave unto Moses the Scripture and We caused a train of messengers to follow after him, and We gave unto jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah’s sovereignty), and We supported him with the Holy spirit. Is it ever so, that, when there cometh unto you a messenger (from Allah) with that which ye yourselves desire not, ye grow arrogant, and some ye disbelieve and some ye slay?

(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #87)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(2) Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.

(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #136)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(3) Of those messengers, some of whom We have caused to excel others, and of whom there are some unto whom Allah spake, while some of them He exalted (above others) in degree; and We gave jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah’s Sovereignty) and We supported him with the holy Spirit. And if Allah had so wiled it, those who followed after them would not have fought one with another after the clear proofs had come unto them. But they differed, some of them believing and some disbelieving. And if Allah had so willed it, they would not have fought one with another; but Allah doeth what He will.

(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #253)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(4) (And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is the Messiah, jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto Allah).

(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #45)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(5) But when jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah’s helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him).

(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #52)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(6) (And remember) when Allah said: O jesus! Lo! I am gathering thee and causing thee to ascend unto Me, and am cleansing thee of those who disbelieve and am setting those who follow thee above those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. Then unto Me ye will (all) return, and I shall judge between you as to that wherein ye used to differ.

(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #55)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(7) Lo! the likeness of jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, then He said unto him: Be! and he is.

(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #59)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(8) Say (O Muhammad): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was vouchsafed unto Moses and jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.

(سورة آل عمران, Aal-i-Imraan, Chapter #3, Verse #84)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(9) And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger – they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.

(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #157)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

(10) Lo! We inspire thee as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as We imparted unto David the Psalms;

(سورة النساء, An-Nisaa, Chapter #4, Verse #163)
(ArabicTransliterationUrdu (Ahmed Ali) Urdu (Jalandhry) Yusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanish,IndonesianMalayGermanBosnianRussianTafsir – Jalal ad-DinTafsir – King Fahad Quran Complex)

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We are one kind: Humankind


Hello world!


Mankind were but one community;

Say (O Muslims), “We believe in Allah and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrahim (Abraham), Isma’il (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Ya’qub (Jacob), and to Al-Asbat [the offspring of the twelve sons of Ya’qub (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Musa (Moses) and ‘Îsa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islam).”
[quran 2:136]

Mankind were but one community; then they differed; and had it not been for a word that had already gone forth from thy Lord it had been judged between them in respect of that wherein they differ.[Quran 10:19]

Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge. [quran 36:36]

“Besides Allah, and lead them to the Way to the (Fierce) Fire! [quran 37:23]

The Creatorof the heavens and the earth. He hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby He multiplieth you. Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer. [quran 42:11]

And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. [quran 30:21]

If ye punish, then punish with the like of that wherewith ye were afflicted. But if ye endure patiently, verily it is better for the patient.Endure thou patiently (O Muhammad). Thineendurance is only by (the help of) Allah. Grieve not for them, and be not in distress because of that which they devise. [quran 16:126-127]

He said: Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its creation, then guided it (to its goal).[quran 20:50]

This is the Book (the Qur’an), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun [the pious believers of Islamic Monotheism who fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden) and love Allah much (perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained )]. Who believe in the Unseen, and establish worship, and spend of that We have bestowed upon them; [quran 2:2-3]

Turning unto Him (only); and be careful of your duty unto Him and establish worship, and be not of those who ascribe partners (unto Him); Of those who split up their religion and became schismatics, each sect exulting in its tenets.
[quran 30:31-32]

O mankind! Lo! the promise of Allah is true. So let not the life of the world beguile you, and let not the (avowed) beguiler beguile you with regard to Allah. [quran 35:5]

Nay! he has come with the (very) Truth, and he confirms (the Message of) the apostles (before him).[quran 60:60-61


Allah (Amighty one true GOD) signs.

Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Who provideth for you from the sky and the earth, or Who owneth hearing and sight; and Who bringeth forth the living from the dead and bringeth forth the dead from the living; and Who directeth the course? They will say: Allah. Then say: Will ye not then keep your duty (unto Him) [quran 10:31]

And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand And of His signs is this: The heavens and the earth stand fast by His command, and afterward, when He calleth you, lo! from the earth ye will emerge.
To Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and on earth: all are devoutly obedient to Him. He it is Who produceth creation, then reproduceth it, and it is easier for Him. His is the Sublime Similitude in the heavens and the earth. He is the Mighty, the Wise.
[quran 30]

He sends down water (rain) from the sky, and the valleys flow according to their measure, but the flood bears away the foam that mounts up to the surface – and (also) from that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make ornaments or utensils, rises a foam like unto it, thus does Allah (by parables) show forth truth and falsehood . Then, as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth. Thus Allah sets forth parables (for the truth and falsehood, i.e. Belief and disbelief).[quran 13:17]

{Quranverse Translation I English }>

إِنَّ إِلَهَكُمْ لَوَاحِدٌ Truly, your god is truly One!” [Qur’an 37:4]

And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Muhammad )but We revealed to him (saying): La ilaha illa Ana [none has the right to be worshipped but I (Allah)], so worship Me (Alone and none else).” [quran 21:25]

That is because Allah is the (only) Reality, and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is Falsehood; and because Allah,- He is the Most High, Most Great. [quran 31:30]

ALL PRAISE is due to God,‎ > ‎


The word(s) “soul” appears 116 time(s) in 108 verse(s) in Quran in Pickthal translation.
(1) And guard yourselves against a day when no soul will in aught avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be received from it, nor will they be helped.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #48)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(2) Evil is that for which they sell their souls: that they should disbelieve in that which Allah hath revealed, grudging that Allah should reveal of His bounty unto whom He will of His slaves. They have incurred anger upon anger. For disbelievers is a shameful doom.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #90)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(3) And follow that which the devils falsely related against the kingdom of Solomon. Solomon disbelieved not; but the devils disbelieved, teaching mankind magic and that which was revealed to the two angels in Babel, Harut and Marut. Nor did they (the two angels) teach it to anyone till they had said: We are only a temptation, therefore disbelieve not (in the guidance of Allah). And from these two (angles) people learn that by which they cause division between man and wife; but they injure thereby no-one save by Allah’s leave. And they learn that which harmeth them and profiteth them not. And surely they do know that he who trafficketh therein will have no (happy) portion in the Hereafter; and surely evil is the price for which they sell their souls, if they but knew.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #102)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(4) Establish worship, and pay the poor-due; and whatever of good ye send before (you) for your souls, ye will find it with Allah. Lo! Allah is Seer of what ye do.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #110)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(5) And guard (yourselves) against a day when no soul will in aught avail another, nor will compensation be accepted from it, nor will intercession be of use to it; nor will they be helped.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #123)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(6) Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will, and send (good deeds) before you for your souls, and fear Allah, and know that ye will (one day) meet Him. Give glad tidings to believers, (O Muhammad).
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #223)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(7) When ye have divorced women, and they have reached their term, then retain them in kindness or release them in kindness. Retain them not to their hurt so that ye transgress (the limits). He who doeth that hath wronged his soul. Make not the revelations of Allah a laughing-stock (by your behaviour), but remember Allah’s grace upon you and that which He hath revealed unto you of the Scripture and of wisdom, whereby He doth exhort you. Observe your duty to Allah and know that Allah is Aware of all things.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #231)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(8) And the likeness of those who spend their wealth in search of Allah’s pleasure, and for the strengthening of their souls, is as the likeness of a garden on a height. The rainstorm smiteth it and it bringeth forth its fruit twofold. And if the rainstorm smite it not, then the shower. Allah is Seer of what ye do.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #265)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(9) And guard yourselves against a day in which ye will be brought back to Allah. Then every soul will be paid in full that which it hath earned, and they will not be wronged.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #281)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(10) Allah tasketh not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it hath earned, and against it (only) that which it hath deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as thou didst lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, Thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk.
(  سورة البقرة  , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #286)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(11) How (will it be with them) when We have brought them all together to a Day of which there is no doubt, when every soul will be paid in full what it hath earned, and they will not be wronged.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #25)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(12) On the Day when every soul will find itself confronted with all that it hath done of good and all that it hath done of evil (every soul) will long that there might be a mighty space of distance between it and that (evil). Allah biddeth you beware of Him. And Allah is Full of Pity for (His) bondmen.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #30)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(13) Lo! those who disbelieve, and die in disbelief, the (whole) earth full of gold would not be accepted from such an one if it were offered as a ransom (for his soul). Theirs will be a painful doom and they will have no helpers.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #91)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(14) No soul can ever die except by Allah’s leave and at a term appointed. Whoso desireth the reward of the world, We bestow on him thereof; and whoso desireth the reward of the Hereafter, We bestow on him thereof. We shall reward the thankful.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #145)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(15) It is not for any prophet to embezzle. Whoso embezzleth will bring what he embezzled with him on the Day of Resurrection. Then every soul will be paid in full what it hath earned; and they will not be wronged.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #161)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(16) And let not those who disbelieve imagine that the rein We give them bodeth good unto their souls. We only give them rein that they may grow in sinfulness. And theirs will be a shameful doom.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #178)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(17) Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion.
(  سورة آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #185)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(18) O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain hath spread abroad a multitude of men and women. Be careful of your duty toward Allah in Whom ye claim (your rights) of one another, and toward the wombs (that bare you). Lo! Allah hath been a watcher over you.
(  سورة النساء  , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #1)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(19) Those are they, the secrets of whose hearts Allah knoweth. So oppose them and admonish them, and address them in plain terms about their souls.
(  سورة النساء  , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #63)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(20) Yet whoso doeth evil or wrongeth his own soul, then seeketh pardon of Allah, will find Allah Forgiving, Merciful.
(  سورة النساء  , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #110)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(21) We made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel and We sent unto them messengers. As often as a messenger came unto them with that which their souls desired not (they became rebellious). Some (of them) they denied and some they slew.
(  سورة المائدة  , Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #70)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(22) O ye who believe! Ye have charge of your own souls. He who erreth cannot injure you if ye are rightly guided. Unto Allah ye will all return; and then He will inform you of what ye used to do.
(  سورة المائدة  , Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #105)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(23) Say: Unto whom belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth? Say: Unto Allah. He hath prescribed for Himself mercy, that He may bring you all together to the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. Those who ruin their souls will not believe.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #12)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(24) Those unto whom We gave the Scripture recognise (this revelation) as they recognise their sons. Those who ruin their own souls will not believe.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #20)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(25) And forsake those who take their religion for a pastime and a jest, and whom the life of the world beguileth. Remind (mankind) hereby lest a soul be destroyed by what it earneth. It hath beside Allah no protecting ally nor intercessor, and though it offer every compensation it will not be accepted from it. Those are they who perish by their own deserts. For them is drink of boiling water and a painful doom, because they disbelieved.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #70)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(26) Who is guilty of more wrong than he who forgeth a lie against Allah, or saith: I am inspired, when he is not inspired in aught; and who saith: I will reveal the like of that which Allah hath revealed? If thou couldst see, when the wrong-doers reach the pangs of death and the angels stretch their hands out (saying): Deliver up your souls. This day ye are awarded doom of degradation for that ye spake concerning Allah other than the truth, and used to scorn His portents.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #93)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(27) And approach not the wealth of the orphan save with that which is better, till he reach maturity. Give full measure and full weight, in justice. We task not any soul beyond its scope. And if ye give your word, do justice thereunto, even though it be (against) a kinsman; and fulfil the covenant of Allah. This He commandeth you that haply ye may remember.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #152)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(28) Wait they, indeed, for nothing less than that the angels should come unto them, or thy Lord should come, or there should come one of the portents from thy Lord? In the day when one of the portents from thy Lord cometh, its belief availeth naught a soul which theretofore believed not, nor in its belief earned good (by works). Say: Wait ye! Lo! We (too) are waiting.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #158)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(29) Say: Shall I seek another than Allah for Lord, when He is Lord of all things? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another’s load. Then unto your Lord is your return and He will tell you that wherein ye differed.
(  سورة الأنعام  , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #164)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(30) And as for those whose scale is light: those are they who lose their souls because they used to wrong Our revelations.
(  سورة الأعراف  , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #9)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(31) But (as for) those who believe and do good works – We tax not any soul beyond its scope – Such are rightful owners of the Garden. They abide therein.
(  سورة الأعراف  , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #42)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(32) Await they aught save the fulfilment thereof? On the day when the fulfilment thereof cometh, those who were before forgetful thereof will say: The messengers of our Lord did bring the Truth! Have we any intercessors, that they may intercede for us? Or can we be returned (to life on earth), that we may act otherwise than we used to act? They have lost their souls, and that which they devised hath failed them.
(  سورة الأعراف  , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #53)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(33) He it is Who did create you from a single soul, and therefrom did make his mate that he might take rest in her. And when he covered her she bore a light burden, and she passed (unnoticed) with it, but when it became heavy they cried unto Allah, their Lord, saying: If thou givest unto us aright we shall be of the thankful.
(  سورة الأعراف  , Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #189)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(34) Had it been a near adventure and an easy journey they had followed thee, but the distance seemed too far for them. Yet will they swear by Allah (saying): If we had been able we would surely have set out with you. They destroy their souls, and Allah knoweth that they verily are liars.
(  سورة التوبة  , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #42)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(35) So let not their riches nor their children please thee (O Muhammad). Allah thereby intendeth but to punish them in the life of the world and that their souls shall pass away while they are disbelievers.
(  سورة التوبة  , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #55)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(36) Let not their wealth nor their children please thee! Allah purposeth only to punish them thereby in the world, and that their souls shall pass away while they are disbelievers.
(  سورة التوبة  , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #85)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(37) And to the three also (did He turn in mercy) who were left behind, when the earth, vast as it is, was straitened for them, and their own souls were straitened for them till they bethought them that there is no refuge from Allah save toward Him. Then turned He unto them in mercy that they (too) might turn (repentant unto Him). Lo! Allah! He is the Relenting, the Merciful.
(  سورة التوبة  , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #118)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(38) There doth every soul experience that which it did aforetime, and they are returned unto Allah, their rightful Lord, and that which they used to invent hath failed them.
(  سورة يونس  , Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #30)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(39) And if each soul that doeth wrong had all that is in the earth it would seek to ransom itself therewith; and they will feel remorse within them, when they see the doom. But it hath been judged between them fairly and they are not wronged.
(  سورة يونس  , Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #54)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(40) It is not for any soul to believe save by the permission of Allah. He hath set uncleanness upon those who have no sense.
(  سورة يونس  , Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #100)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(41) Say: O mankind! Now hath the Truth from your Lord come unto you. So whosoever is guided, is guided only for (the good of) his soul, and whosoever erreth erreth only against it. And I am not a warder over you.
(  سورة يونس  , Yunus, Chapter #10, Verse #108)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(42) Such are they who have lost their souls, and that which they used to invent hath failed them.
(  سورة هود  , Hud, Chapter #11, Verse #21)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(43) On the day when it cometh no soul will speak except by His permission; some among them will be wretched, (others) glad.
(  سورة هود  , Hud, Chapter #11, Verse #105)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(44) I do not exculpate myself. Lo! the (human) soul enjoineth unto evil, save that whereon my Lord hath mercy. Lo! my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.
(  سورة يوسف  , Yusuf, Chapter #12, Verse #53)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(45) And when they entered in the manner which their father had enjoined, it would have naught availed them as against Allah; it was but a need of Jacob’s soul which he thus satisfied; and lo! he was a lord of knowledge because We had taught him; but most of mankind know not.
(  سورة يوسف  , Yusuf, Chapter #12, Verse #68)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(46) They said: If he stealeth, a brother of his stole before. But Joseph kept it secret in his soul and revealed it not unto them. He said (within himself): Ye are in worse case, and Allah knoweth best (the truth of) that which ye allege.
(  سورة يوسف  , Yusuf, Chapter #12, Verse #77)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(47) Is He Who is aware of the deserts of every soul (as he who is aware of nothing)? Yet they ascribe unto Allah partners. Say: Name them. Is it that ye would inform Him of something which He knoweth not in the earth? Or is it but a way of speaking? Nay but their contrivance is made seeming fair for those who disbelieve and they are kept from the right road. He whom Allah sendeth astray, for him there is no guide.
(  سورة الرعد  , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #33)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(48) Those who were before them plotted; but all plotting is Allah’s. He knoweth that which each soul earneth. The disbelievers will come to know for whom will be the sequel of the (heavenly) Home.
(  سورة الرعد  , Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #42)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(49) That Allah may repay each soul what it hath earned. Lo! Allah is swift at reckoning.
(  سورة إبراهيم  , Ibrahim, Chapter #14, Verse #51)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(50) On the Day when every soul will come pleading for itself, and every soul will be repaid what it did, and they will not be wronged.
(  سورة النحل  , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #111)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(51) (Saying): If ye do good, ye do good for your own souls, and if ye do evil, it is for them (in like manner). So, when the time for the second (of the judgments) came (We roused against you others of Our slaves) to ravage you, and to enter the Temple even as they entered it the first time, and to lay waste all that they conquered with an utter wasting.
(  سورة الإسراء  , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #7)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(52) (And it will be said unto him): Read thy Book. Thy soul sufficeth as reckoner against thee this day.
(  سورة الإسراء  , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #14)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakirPicthalMohsin KhanFrenchSpanishIndonesianMelayuGermanBosnian,Russian)
(53) Whosoever goeth right, it is only for (the good of) his own soul that he goeth right, and whosoever erreth, erreth only to its hurt. No laden soul can bear another’s load, We never punish until we have sent a messenger.
(  سورة الإسراء  , Al-Isra, Chapter #17, Verse #15)
(ArabicTransliterationUrduYusuf AliShakir%

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